'Know thyself', advised an ancient oracle to Socrates, but I am advising you - know yourself and your government. Know your interior and exterior, and why did you choose the latter and keeping it for! Because I am not an oracle and cannot express myself in a sentence to be completely understandable for the majority of people, I wrote this book. Different people in different times wrote down most of the stuff that is in this book. However, a good idea here and there will show you nothing, as touch of a painter here and there will not give you understanding about the entire picture. Only when this painter systematizes his touches and put them in order, only then you will grasp the entire picture. The purpose of the 1st book is to help you to find the meaning of your life and to explain the chain of notions that links the social sciences with the science of the movements of the planets and the formation of the elementary particles that bind the evolution of humans to Mother-Nature or Father-God. The social evolution of mankind is shown through the examination of the ever-evolving moral values of the upper, middle, and lower classes of the variety of nations. Here I try to clarify to a commoner his-her long-run interests in this material-spiritual world. The 2nd book is a critique of the contemporary social and natural sciences, and it shows the development of romantic Neo-Platonism and upper-classs Christianity into National Socialism and Communism.
Description - author exposes moral values of bureaucrats, commoners, and slaves, picturing the human evolution: by size - tribe, city-state, state, and empire; and by quality - monarchy and republic. Key words -- evolving men, monarchy and republic, monarchs and presidents, values and interests, reason-heart-soul, life and death, freedom of speech, gun control, monopoly in politics, war on drugs, whores and drugs, social security, national debt and defense, tax reform, electoral college, party system, character and personality, ethics and aesthetics, spies and diplomats.
Beschreibung - Autor legt moralische Werte von Bürokraten, Bürgerlichen, und Sklaven frei und stellt sich die menschliche Evolution vor: durch Größe-Stamm, Stadt-Staat, Staat, und Reich; und durch Qualität-Monarchie und Republik. Tippen Sie Wörter ein - das Entwickeln von Männern, Monarchie und Republik, Monarchen und Präsidenten, Werten und Interessen, Grund-Herz-Soul, Leben und Tod, Meinungsfreiheit, Pistole-Kontrolle, Monopol in Politik, bekriegt auf Drogen, Huren und Drogen, Sozialunterstützung, nationaler Schuldlast und Verteidigung, Steuer-Reform, Wahl College, Partei-System, Charakter und Persönlichkeit, Ethiken und Ästhetik, Spionen und Diplomaten.
La descripción - el autor expone valores morales de burócratas, plebeyos, y esclavos, mientras imaginándose la evolución humana: por el tamaño - la tribu, ciudad-estado, estado, e imperio; y por la calidad - la monarquía y república. Las palabras de la llave - desenvolviendo hombres, monarquía y república, monarcas y presidentes, valores e intereses, razón-corazón-alma, vida y muerte, la libertad de discurso, el mando del arma, el monopolio en la política, guerrea en las drogas, prostitutas y drogas, seguro social, deuda nacional y defensa, reforma del impuesto, universidad electoral, sistema de la fiesta, carácter y personalidad, ética y estética, espías y diplomáticos.
La description - l'auteur expose des valeurs morales des bureaucrates, les bourgeois, et les esclaves, en décrivant l'évolution humaine: par dimension - tribu, cité, état, et empire; et par qualité - monarchie et république. Les mots de la clef - évoluer des hommes, monarchie et république, monarques et présidents, valeurs et intérêts, raison coeur âme, vie et mort, liberté d'expression, contrôle du pistolet, monopole en politique, guerre sur drogues, prostituées et drogues, sécurité sociale, dette nationale et défense, réforme de l'impôt, collège électoral, système de la réception, caractère et personnalité, éthique et esthétique, espions et diplomates.
URLs: http://victorian.fortunecity.com/milton/864 http://members.fortunecity.com/vjs1 http://www.vicserge.worldlinkisp.com http://www.evolving-men.org
e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]
Victor J. Serge created this page and revised it on 04/13/03